Author Archives: Drake

Tips For Buying Dog Food

It is not enough for dogs to have a full stomach after every meal. Besides a non-sedentary lifestyle, pets need proper nutrition in order to be healthy, happy and their coats soft and glossy. The cost of dog food and its brand is only important if dogs can read or pay for his meal. The easiest and best way to find out which food is best for man’s best friend is to observe how their response is to the chow they take in. The following are tips […]

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Premium Dog Food, Are You Sure?

Soybean meal, wheat or wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, corn meal, whole/crushed corn, and maize are often used for their protein. They cost a lot less to include in a treat than the superior quality carbs or real-meat protein like chicken. Soybean meal, ground corn and wheat are also common pet allergens, so be careful with them. Food coloring can also be a major problem with pet food and treats: it is not at all rare for biscuits to be dyed in an attempt to make them […]

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Nutritional Content Of Commercial Dog Foods

Did you know that most food that is fed to dogs today has extremely low nutritional content? If you feed your dog commercial dog food, you may be slowly killing your dog. Perhaps you think this is a little dramatic? Think again. If humans are fed a diet of unhealthy foods, they probably won’t show any adverse signs for quite some time. But fed over many years, people will become sluggish, sick, and eventually die from degenerative diseases much earlier than they would otherwise pass from this […]

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Keep Your Dog Happy With Organic Dog Food

It’s safe to say that Westerners are crazy about their dogs and that the pet industry is easily a billion dollar industry in the US alone. Everyone wants the best in bedding, clothes and toys for their special dog or dogs. Many have even turned to feeding “Fido” organic dog food, often available only at specialized shops or over the Internet. Nevertheless, organic dog food is big business and many dog owners swear by it. Believe it or not, manufacturers can get certain types of their dog […]

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Is A Raw Food Diet Right For Your Pit Bull Terrier Dog?

Many Pit Bull owners are choosing to feed their pets a raw food diet rather than use the commercially formulated mass produced feeds. Others have never heard of the raw diet, also known as the bones and raw food diet, but are seeking more information about what this type of diet can offer their pet. The raw diet entails feeding your Pit Bull or other pet mainly raw meat and meaty bones. The raw meat diet also includes some vegetables be added in as well. Leafy greens […]

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How To Pick The Right Dog Food

As the pet industry becomes larger, so do the pet owner’s choices in dog food. So, how do you know if the dog food you choose is right for your pet? If you are like most dog owners, your goal is to keep your pet healthy while satisfying his appetite. But just like no two dogs are the same, there is no such thing as an ideal canine diet. Instead, owners should look take a studied look at their pets. Things such as species, activity level, age, […]

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Dogs Need Good Food Too, Your Guide To Your Dog’s Diet

Dogs’ nutritional needs may differ from ours. What we deem as healthy for us might not sufficient or appropriate for them. To give your dog the best nutrition available you will have to understand their specific needs and how to address them. After all, taking care of man’s best friend does take a little preparation and know-how. Your dog needs the essential nutrients to grow, go, and glow. If your dog does not receive proper nutrients it may result in poor health, stunted growth, lethargy and shortened […]

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All Dog Foods Are Not The Same

Your dog’s health and well-being is important to you and your family. Not to mention keeping down the cost of veterinarian bills! So you need to carefully consider the food that you give your dog. People sometimes just pick the first dog food bag they see at the store. It’s easy to overlook the importance of dog food but it is essential to pick the right one for your dog. To keep your dog healthy he needs plenty of fresh water and should be fed good quality […]

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Choosing Healthy Foods for Your Dog

Today’s pet food market is larger and more diverse than ever before. While this offers a large number of choices in various types of pet food, it also presents a dilemma in choosing the healthiest food for your dog. Are generic or store brands suitable for a dog? What about familiar name brands like Purina and Alpo? Are the pricier brands that advertise specially formulated ingredients (Science Diet, Eukanuba) really living up to their claims and worth the extra money? All of these are valid questions that […]

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Buying Premium Dog Food 101

So you are wondering if the dog food you are feeding is really good for your canine. Maybe you heard that your particular brand of dog food is bad for your dog. Here I will try to explain what to look for as well as the ingredients and how they measure up to what you are currently feeding. Please keep in mind dog food is essential to their health as for most it is their main source of nutrition. Some easy tips are: Do not buy dog […]

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