Category Archives: Dog Food FAQs

Premium Dog Food, Are You Sure?

Soybean meal, wheat or wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, corn meal, whole/crushed corn, and maize are often used for their protein. They cost a lot less to include in a treat than the superior quality carbs or real-meat protein like chicken. Soybean meal, ground corn and wheat are also common pet allergens, so be careful with them. Food coloring can also be a major problem with pet food and treats: it is not at all rare for biscuits to be dyed in an attempt to make them […]

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Nutritional Content Of Commercial Dog Foods

Did you know that most food that is fed to dogs today has extremely low nutritional content? If you feed your dog commercial dog food, you may be slowly killing your dog. Perhaps you think this is a little dramatic? Think again. If humans are fed a diet of unhealthy foods, they probably won’t show any adverse signs for quite some time. But fed over many years, people will become sluggish, sick, and eventually die from degenerative diseases much earlier than they would otherwise pass from this […]

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Is A Raw Food Diet Right For Your Pit Bull Terrier Dog?

Many Pit Bull owners are choosing to feed their pets a raw food diet rather than use the commercially formulated mass produced feeds. Others have never heard of the raw diet, also known as the bones and raw food diet, but are seeking more information about what this type of diet can offer their pet. The raw diet entails feeding your Pit Bull or other pet mainly raw meat and meaty bones. The raw meat diet also includes some vegetables be added in as well. Leafy greens […]

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